Pylint report from report.jinja2


Module mymeco.cmdline (mymeco/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
30 12 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 _compute
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
46 18 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 _compute
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
58 9 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 _compute
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
66 18 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 _update
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
72 12 warning unused-variable W0612 _update
Unused variable 'action'
85 13 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 _update
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
140 16 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 mymecoctl
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string

Module mymeco.exceptions (mymeco/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
6 0 convention invalid-name C0103
Type variable name "MymecoErrorType" doesn't conform to predefined naming style
33 15 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 MymecoError.__repr__
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
73 25 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 MissingConfiguration.__init__
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string

Module mymeco.tmdb.utils (mymeco/tmdb/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
59 31 warning missing-timeout W3101 Tmdb.__init__
Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely
69 15 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 Tmdb.__repr__
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
99 18 warning missing-timeout W3101 Tmdb.search_movie
Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely
171 17 warning missing-timeout W3101 Tmdb.get_movie
Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely
172 37 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 Tmdb.get_movie
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
185 17 warning missing-timeout W3101 Tmdb.get_credits
Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.get' can cause your program to hang indefinitely
186 37 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 Tmdb.get_credits
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string

Module tests.mymeco.test_config (tests/mymeco/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
63 9 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 test_file_with_complete_log_section
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
64 19 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 test_file_with_complete_log_section
Formatting a regular string which could be an f-string
77 9 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 test_file_with_empty_tmdb_section
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
86 9 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 test_file_with_tmdb_section
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
107 21 convention unnecessary-dunder-call C2801 test_autodetect
Unnecessarily calls dunder method __iter__. Use iter built-in function.
109 23 convention unnecessary-dunder-call C2801 test_autodetect
Unnecessarily calls dunder method __next__. Use next built-in function.

Module tests.mymeco.tmdb.test_utils (tests/mymeco/tmdb/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
61 11 convention use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison C1803 test_search_movie_no_year_no_result
"movie_list == []" can be simplified to "not movie_list", if it is strictly a sequence, as an empty list is falsey


Count per types

Name Count
convention 14
warning 10

Count per messages

Name Count
consider-using-f-string 10
unspecified-encoding 5
unused-variable 1
invalid-name 1
missing-timeout 4
unnecessary-dunder-call 2
use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison 1

Count per modules

Name Count
mymeco.cmdline 7
mymeco.exceptions 3
mymeco.tmdb.utils 7
tests.mymeco.test_config 6
tests.mymeco.tmdb.test_utils 1

Count per path

Name Count
mymeco/ 7
mymeco/ 3
mymeco/tmdb/ 7
tests/mymeco/ 6
tests/mymeco/tmdb/ 1