mymeco.kodi package

Submodules module

Movie module.

class, tmdb=None)[source]

Bases: object

Movie class.

Aim to group all information that could be stored in a movie entry of Kodi NFO files, bind to an xml formatter.

property actors: Sequence[Mapping[str, str | int]]

Get actors.

add_actor(name, role, order, thumb)[source]

Add new actor.


Add new production country.


Add new director.


Add new genre to movie.


Add new studio.

add_uniqueid(idtype, value)[source]

Add a new uniqueid in movie.


Add new writter.

property country: Iterable[str]

Get list of production countries.

property director: Iterable[str]

Get list of director.

property genre: Iterable[str]

Get list of genres.


Write NFO data in stream-compatible object.

property originaltitle: str | None

Get original title of movie.

property plot: str | None

Get movie plot.

property poster: str | None

Get movie poster URL.

property premiered: str | None

Get premierered date.

rating(name, values, **kwargs)[source]

Store a new rating for given movie.

property ratings: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, int | bool]]

Get list of all ratings associated to this movie.

property runtime: int | None

Get runtime in minutes.


Add technical information.

property sorttitle: str | None

Get sortable title of movie.

property studio: Sequence[str]

Get production studios.

property tagline

Get movie tagline.

property technical

Retrieve technical information on movie file.

property title: str | None

Get localized title of movie.

property uniqueid: Mapping[str, str] | None

Retrieve list of unique ids.

property writter: Iterable[str]

Get list of writter.

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